You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.1. Introduction to Micronet General Ledger > Introduction to Micronet General Ledger

Structuring your Micronet General Ledger

The Micronet General Ledger (MGL) is the product in the Micronet Advantage Suite that gives you the ability to monitor the overall financial position of your business. It brings together the financial data from every other ledger and compiles this information for your review and analysis. Therefore, the way you setup your General Ledger is critical to the effective use of your Micronet system as a whole.

The key factors affecting the setup of your Micronet General Ledger are:

The Chart of Accounts resides within the General Ledger itself and is the foundation upon which the system allocates, collates and reports. Integration configurations and tables reside within the sub-ledgers and subsidiary ledgers and are the mechanism through which data can be identified and transferred to the General Ledger files. Each ledger needs to be configured correctly to ensure that reporting within the General Ledger is meaningful and effective.